Make fishskin peanuts with peanut coating pan

Raw material formula: 22kg of peanut, 16.5kg of standard flour, 6.5kg of rice flour, 7kg of white granulated sugar, 10g of monosodium glutamate, 6kg of soy sauce, 0.5kg of refined salt, 2.5kg of water. Pick out peanuts that are not broken or bad and mix 8.5kg of standard flour and 6.5kg of rice flour evenly into blending powder. Get the water and sugar mixed and melted.

Fishskin peanut

Molding: put the peanuts into peanut coating pan and start the machine. Pour the sugar juice evenly on the peanuts and spread 3kg of standard flour evenly. Then, pour one layer of sugar juice and one layer of blending powder alternately until the blending powder is used up. Finally,  sprinkle the remaining 5kg of standard flour on the surface of peanuts and get the peanuts wrapped and shaken, then taken out of pan.

Roasting and seasoning: put the peanuts into the oven for roasting, then pour the roasted peanuts into the dough mixer immediately. Start the mixer and mix the soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and refined salt evenly and pour them into the machine. Cooling and packing the fishskin peanuts after seasoning.